HTB – AppLocker/AV Bypassing

AppLocker can be bypassed by some specific location…exe file executed by the service(or other method) can bypass the AppLocker(HTB Giddy is a good example)

Simple C#/PS/txt rev shells. Can be built by Microsoft Visual Studio and will not be flagged as malicious. (No need to evade the Anti Virus software)

# Starting new project
dotnet new console

# Copying code in Program.cs

# Building as single binary
dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true

Use dotnet on Linux to build the C# project. -r means build a self-contained app, which means the exe will contains all the necessary core DLL for the app, result in a hugh exe file(approximately 70MB!!).
If you remove the -r flag then publish will only include the DLL’s for you app. But this means whoever wants to use your app must first install the .NET Core runtime.

